Hear what companies are saying about Flex Health

Flex Health and its partners service companies of all sizes. From small local businesses, to franchises, staffing companies, and commercial enterprises, our Section 125 plan benefits the health and tax savings of a wide variety of organizations.
The #1 Trusted Section 125 provider in the United State designed to enhance your company’s savings while providing incredible supplementary healthcare.

Trusted by 140+ Employers

Designed to service companies with 100 – 15,000 employees. From small businesses to multi-state enterprises.

Case Studies


Employees Enrolled


Payroll Tax Savings


Avg Paycheck Gain


Employees Enrolled


Payroll Tax Savings


Avg Paycheck Gain


Employees Enrolled


Payroll Tax Savings


Avg Paycheck Gain


Employees Enrolled


Payroll Tax Savings


Avg Paycheck Gain


Employees Enrolled


Payroll Tax Savings


Avg Paycheck Gain

Testimonial Videos

Dustin Varano

Businesscord – Discord Ave ($3M)

Dustin Varano

Businesscord – Discord Ave ($3M)

Dustin Varano

Businesscord – Discord Ave ($3M)